Rooftop photovoltaic panels produce as much energy as we use
additional electricity purchased is 100% GreenPower
gas used for heating is 100% offset by our gas retailer.
Good daylighting so lights not generally needed during working hours.
All LED lighting.
New equipment is selected for energy efficiency and longevity.
Computers/printer set to go into standby if unused for 5 minutes​.
Turned off overnight
Our commitment is to reduce in the first instance, and then what we do purchase has recycled content and/or is recyclable.
We use pre-loved paper for drafts and internal office use (donations accepted!).
New paper has a minimum of 80% recycled content
We refill (reuse) printer cartridges as many times as possible
Electronic transmittal of correspondence and drawings is used wherever possible
Our cleaning service uses microfibre cloths and natural cleaning products such as bicarb soda and pure soap.
Our office is located in Brunswick, 6 km from the CBD, so walking, bicycle and public transport are used 90% of the time.
Most jobs are local
Bike hooks in the entry encourage staff & client bicycle use.
We have an electric car to travel to more distant sites.
Waste Management
Separated recyclables and soft plastics collection
Food scraps are composted onsite and used on garden beds
Old equipment is onsold or donated or recycled through op-shops or schemes such as ByteBack for electrical goods.
4000L rainwater tank used for garden watering
Low flow shower head and taps